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Hello from Hineslabs!

Home to open source enthusiasts and technology advocates

def say_hello():
    print('Hello, World!')

A little about us

Hineslabs is intended to be an easily accessible, regularly updated and always free source of technology related tips, tricks, guides and serve as an expansive knowledgebase for everthing technology related. We cover a broad range of topics related to open source projects, such as Linux, Unix and even FreeBSD. We also cover topics relating to Microsoft as well as general/advanced programming in Python, Javascript, Bash, and Powershell. Our sole mission to is provide regularly updated and always available content to our visitors free of charge. We also host some of our own internally developed applications on this website free of charge for anyone to download and use for their own purposes. All of our applications are published under the MIT license structure and will have the code available on our Github so that anyone who is willing can take a look and learn, or just simply build on top of our existing platforms.

How to use this site

Hineslabs is broken up into four relatively straightforward topics:

  1. Tutorials -- An always evolving list of guides that we publish revolving our hundreds of technology centric topics.
  2. Knowledgebase -- A constantly updated database of our entire knowledge dump that spans hundreds of topics. This section goes back several years.
  3. Projects -- An active/inactive list of our own internally developed. These projects are all viewable on our Github.
  4. Downloads -- A full list of all of our internally developed scripts and also pre-compiled binaries that can be downloaded for free.